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The Marketing First -- Website Design Difference!

Everyone agrees. The difference between online success or failure -- is marketing. Typical firms, design first. Promote latter. It's a fact of the Internet, and it limits your web sites potential. At Village Designs we do Marketing First -- Web Site Design, latter.

Before the first images are developed. Before the first line of HTML code is committed. The marketing of your web site begins! It starts with a competitive analysis of your company, product or service. It continues with a concerted effort to learn about you, your company, your customers, and your employees. Your stated and unstated, short and long term, business and marketing, objectives.

After all that? Design, and development begins. Only to be followed, by more marketing, and a comprehensive promotional campaign.

So, if marketing is the difference between failure and success? Wouldn't you agree that, Marketing First -- Web Design followed by, more marketing and promotion, multiplies your chance for online success?

It's what our customers say. And, what you'll be saying when you choose Village Web Designs, Marketing First -- Web Site Design! Ask for your FREE, no obligation, Web Quote TODAY!